Friday, October 24, 2008

Maria and Juliane

IMG_2404, originally uploaded by smile l dee dee.

Maria and Juliane are leaving us. They interned at inlingua for 3 months and today is their last day. I want to wish them both the very best of luck for everything they do in the future. It was a pleasure having them here.

This photo was taken last week when the inlingua staff went to Mdina. First we took a ride around the area by train - and it was so much fun that we have now included this trip in the Mdina tour that we organise for our students. After our train ride we went out for pizza and this is where I took this photo. Its a great photo. We will always remember your smiles.

Girls, we are going to miss you! Come back and see us anytime. We will never forget you!

Good luck!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

smiling, happy people

If you happen to have a copy of inlingua Malta's new 2009 brochure, you will see this photo on the front. I took it myself one sunny September morning. It was the day before the deadline and I still had no photo for the front cover. Everything else was ready but until we had a photo nothing else could be done. You must be thinking that leaving something like this to the last minute is not so smart..well I didn't leave it to the last minute. All Summer we took photos but for some reason none of them seemed right. This time had to be different. I had to get the perfect shot. Luck was on my side that day. Within minutes I had 8 students all wearing bright clothes and big smiles. We made our way to the sea which is literally seconds away from our school and the rest, as they say, is history. I love this shot. It's bright, its natural and it is real. No models, no sets, no professional photographers. Just my camera + happy students + lots of sunshine = one perfect photo :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

a feast for 5000

So imagine this; a HUGE pot. Really huge. So huge, it made it into the Guinness World Book of Records because it is so big. This pot was made in Italy and is being brought over to Malta in aid of charity. This pot was used in Italy to make the worlds largest risotto - so large that the cooks had to use wooden oars to stir it instead of wooden spoons!! And now, chefs from the Institute of Tourism Studies in Malta will also be cooking a risotto in this pot which will be sold to the public. The money made from this will be donated to the Dar tal-Providenza and the event will take place during the Birgu by Candlelight Festival on Friday the 17th of October.