Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Birthday in Gozo

This year I celebrated my birthday in Malta and I wanted to have my family here with me to share this day so they came for a one week visit when I had some time off from inlingua.

The 18th of October was a beautiful sunny day with cloudless skies. We hired a car and planned a trip to Gozo. My dad is used to driving on the right hand side in Germany so driving on the left took some getting used to but he soon got the hang of it.

We drove to Cirkewwa which is the northern most point of the island and caught the ferry to Mgarr in Gozo which is just 6km off Malta. Gozo is much more peaceful and rural. Life is slower, the land is greener, the coast is quieter - absolutely beautiful!

Our first destination was Victoria the capital. We visited Cittadella the old fortified city and its amazing Cathedral of Assumption. You can walk around the city wall and enjoy beautiful views over the island. We then visited Ta' Pinu, the holiest church in Gozo and a pilgrimage site for many believers.

Afterwards we returned to Mgarr to take a short boat ride to the island of Comino to see the legendary Blue Lagoon. Comino is the smallest island of the Maltese Archipelago and uninhabited. There are no cars and high rise buildings, only sandy beaches and glorious turquoise water. The caves and creeks are ideal or swimming, snorkeling and diving.

Our last attraction for the day was Dwejra point in Gozo. We arrived shortly before sunset and got an awesone view of the sun setting into the sea. The Azure Window that makes Dwejra famous is a monumental limestone archway that has been created by thousands of years of sea erosion.

Evening fell and we came back to Malta and had dinner in a nice restauarant in Spinola Bay in St. Julians and that is how I celebrated my 21st birthday here in Malta.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Lessons at inlingua

It was Monday morning - But not a usual one like on the other Mondays before. Of course it wasn't, because that day I started taking lessons at inlingua.

After already working here for two months, inlingua offers me for every month work one free week of General English lessons. So this was my first day. After taking the test that determined my language level of English, lessons started at 10 am on Monday. I was very excited about the other students, the lessons itself as well as the teacher.

We are just a small group - me and another girl who is from Russia. As we are only two students in the class, the lessons are very effective and intensive. This has to be evaluated as positive, because everyone has the possibility to speak as much as possible. The best way to improve his English! So it's not like in school time when about 25 students are sitting in one stuffy room, the teacher standing in front of them, trying to explain something and the students are not paying attention - There is no possibility to actively take part in the lessons and learn something.Here at inlingua it's different, simply better.Even the atmosphere in the class is easy-going and not as tense as it was in school time.

And I'm looking forward to the next lessons.Well, for me it's half-time now here in Malta. Ten weeks have already passed and another ten weeks are waiting for me…. Till next time!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day trip to Valletta

After a busy working week at inlingua school it was time to relax a bit over the weekend. And for me the best way to relax is to go out and see something. So I decided to visit Valletta, the magnificent capital on Malta’s east coast, and when I was there I realised that it is a must-see for visitors.

It was a wonderful Saturday morning, with clear skies and warm, fresh air, ideal for my trip. After having a coffee to wake up, I got ready for the day’s excursion.

I took the bus directly to Valletta’s Bus Terminal. From there I headed towards the main gate and then strolled onto Republic Street which is the main street of the city. After a few minutes I arrived at one of the most splendid churches on the Maltese islands, St. John’s Co-Cathedral – designed by Gerolamo Cassar and built by the Knights of St. John in 1573. While the outside of the church is unimpressive, its interior is amazing. As I am very interested in arts, I was impressed by the fascinating paintings inside the church, mainly by Caravaggio’s famous painting ‘The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist’.

Then I visited the nearby Grandmasters’ Palace – once home of the knights, now home of the Maltese parliament. It displays a lot of marvellous paintings, frescoes and furniture that have been placed there by the Knights of St. John. From the palace I moved on through the narrow streets of Valletta to a nice restaurant to have lunch.

After lunch I went to the Auberge de Provence that is home to the National Museum of Archaeology. A visit here is essential to understand Malta's unique prehistoric temples. It's worth the admission fee to see the lavish upstairs salon and the mysterious ‘Sleeping Lady’ sculpture inside the museum.

Late in the afternoon, I was on the way to the Upper Barrakka Gardens with its beautiful fountains and flowers to get a fascinating view over the Grand Harbour and the ‘Three Cities’ Vittoriosa, Senglea and Kalkara – A perfect place to end a nice day in Valletta.

See you next time!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My first two months in Malta

To introduce myself: My name is Teresa and I am 20 years old. I am from Germany, Saxony. I came to Malta on the 1st August with four another classmates for our internship that I was going to do at inlingua School of Languages until the mid of December – I know, it’s a long time!

Well, let me tell something about my first impressions of Malta and inlingua during the two months that I’ve spent so far on the island...Back to Germany at Munich airport - We were waiting for our flight to Malta with Air Malta. The flight was already delayed for 1 hour and I was really fed up waiting, the others as well. Finally, the plane departed and after 2 ½ hours we reached the island. Then on through customs with my friend and to a waiting taxi driver with the keys to our rented flat in San Gwann, a town near St. Julians.
The next day – just recovering from the journey and beginning to learn how things work over here, it didn't take a very long to get used to everything. The supermarket is just around the corner as well as other useful shops. So this day was spent shopping for necessities and exploring the area around my workplace in Sliema – a modern and vibrant city with lots of shopping possibilities, restaurants, hotels and the harbour where the ferry to Valletta, the capital of Malta, leaves.

Then my first day at inlingua – 3rd August: I remember that it was a very busy day, as it was Monday and the new students arrived. Anyway I was very excited and also a bit nervous, but it’s normal I guess. While getting introduced to everyone, I noticed the kindness of the staff. Everyone is very friendly and easy-going… I really like the cheerful mentality of the Maltese people. They are very welcoming.
Well, when I take a look back now to my first 9 weeks here I am really satisfied, as at work everything is going very well and I enjoy being out with my friends at the weekends. Furthermore I really like Malta. Why did I come here? ... For sure I want to improve my language skills and I chose Malta because it was recommended to me by teachers and former students from my school in Germany for its interesting culture, the wonderful weather and the beautiful countryside. And inlingua school has also fulfilled my expectations so far…

Monday, September 14, 2009

inlingua Malta at the FELTOM workshop

This weekend saw the first ever Malta EFL Workshop and Forum. Over 50 agents from countries all over the world came to visit our island and learn about the opportunities for students wishing to follow an English language course in Malta. The 3 day event included a tour of Malta and Gozo, a cocktail party, one to one meetings, a gala dinner and an EFL forum. There was an address by the Prime Minister on Sunday where he spoke about national legislation for English language schools. Read more here
It was great to meet many of our agents and get to know new ones. We hope that an event like this will be repeated again and we hope to have the opportunity to meet many more of you in the near future.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Spain win again!

The winning team from our football tournament last week.

The team from Spain beat the Italians as well as our very own inlingua team to be crowned champions for the week - can they hold on to their title for another week??

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

student life at the Dean Residence

2009 has been a very exciting year so far as we have spent a lot of time improving and renovating our school premises and facilities. The Dean Residence was one of our biggest projects and we worked hard all winter to make sure it would be open for our students to enjoy during the summer... and so far so good!! The pool, the restaurant, the free wifi, the pub and open spaces make the residence the ideal place to hang out, swim, relax with your friends over a drink or just sit under the stars playing cards and enjoying a laid back evening while you practise your English too...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Getting your house in order

One of the first things we look for when making the decision to travel abroad is a place to stay. Initially we think about the destination and the purpose of travel, and when that has been decided we begin to search for that place to call our ‘home away from home’.

For students coming to Malta to study English, this phrase rings particularly true as many of them opt to live with host families. While some people would not even consider sharing their house with an outsider, many others willingly open up their homes and welcome students from all over the world into their family.

Providing accommodation to students, just like owning a hotel, requires rules and regulations, and licensing has been enforced which aims to establish quality standards. Students choose to stay in a family because unlike living in a hotel, they can practice their English continuously through interaction with family members, and the whole experience provides a more intimate and personal atmosphere.

Host family accommodation in Malta has earned itself a particularly bad reputation abroad. More and more students are looking for alternatives to this type of accommodation due to bad experiences they’ve heard about from their peers, and the often exaggerated horror stories published in the media. This sort of bad publicity has a negative impact on the industry as a whole. It adds another element of struggle for language schools in Malta to overcome when competing with other EFL destinations.

A few months ago, we conducted an exercise where we asked our highest rated host families to share their experiences of hosting students so as to gain an insight into the service they provide. These families are consistently praised by our students and we asked them to share their tips and ideas about what students expect and appreciate while living in a family.

· Be a friend to your guests. Take the time to talk to your students and get to know them. They will appreciate the genuine interest and the daily interaction not only makes them feel welcome but also helps them practice their English. Do not have long conversations in Maltese in front of them.
· Make sure that the accommodation is clean, tidy and well maintained
· Offer good quality, varied meals and be generous with portions. Students often complain about the lack of variety as well as poor quality and meager portions. Discuss their dietary requirements and try to accommodate them as much as possible within reasonable limits
· Set rules for the students that apply to the rest of the family. This will help them adapt to your family life and it will make it easier for you to keep your household running smoothly. Students must be made aware of the fact that they are not living in a hotel and they should respect and fit into your family routine
· Take the time to explain things to them and offer advice and information that will be helpful and useful during their stay. Remember, you are their first point of reference and they look to you for guidance
· Their first impression of Malta is usually formed after their meeting with you and a positive first impression will generally set the tone for the rest of their stay

The financial situation facing the world today has forced many businesses to pull their socks up and work harder at providing an improved service to their clients. Diversification and catering to your clients’ needs becomes top priority.
The demand for school residences has increased dramatically. Students over 18 prefer independence during their stay and this type of accommodation is perfectly suited to a student budget. However, the comfort and intimacy of living with a host family remains a popular option with younger students as well as some older ones, providing them with a sense of belonging and security. By working on improving this aspect of the EFL industry we can only strengthen and improve the sector as a whole.

It is times like these that serve as an eye opener not only to what we are offering our clients, but more importantly as to what is being offered by others. This is an opportunity to look around us and work on the overall package being offered to students following a language course. It gives us the chance to build on our strengths and work on our weaknesses. It is important that students are happy with all aspects of their holiday and not just the quality of the teaching.
Kindness and hospitality can go a long way in making their time spent in Malta a positive and memorable experience.

Friday, July 10, 2009


The Great Siege of 1565 is one of the greatest moments in Maltese history, and one of the most celebrated events of sixteenth century Europe. So much so that Voltaire once said "Nothing is more well known than the siege of Malta." It was one of the bloodiest and fiercest battles ever fought and marked a turning point in the perception of Ottoman invincibility. The battle lasted over 4 months in the scorching summer heat and the Turks never again attempted to besiege Malta. It was the first true defeat of the Ottoman Empire in a century.

A reenactment of this great event takes place at the Monte Kristo Wine Vaults every week and the whole evening is a very well organised, enjoyable affair with a 3 course meal and a live show which includes, dancers, fire jugglers, horses, canon blasts and gunfire. The story of the Great Siege is narrated and sung by the lovely Melita and the talented cast of dancers and actors bring the story to life.

See more photos of this spectacular evening here

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Why we love Mondays

Monday morning is very busy at inlingua Malta. This is the day our new students come to school and we are always happy to welcome their friendly faces.
From 8:00am the school is buzzing with students sitting for the test, getting books and finding classrooms. By 10:00am everyone is more or less settled and lessons begin. During the break students gather in the cafeteria and we serve them a welcome drink. Here they have the chance to meet with other students and our inlingua reps who chat with them and tell them about the different activities and tours we have going on that week.

Monday night is welcome party night. Meeting point is 8:00pm at the LOVE sign and from here we head off to the open air garden in Paceville for some free pizza, free drinks and the chance to hang out and get to know your classmates better. Check out some photos from yesterday's welcome party here and if you have your own photos why don't you add them to our group page too?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Meet Fausto and Kristina

A few months ago the search for our student representatives for Summer 2009 began. We sent out a message to the inlingua Malta international community via Facebook asking who would like to spend 3 months living in the sun, and working with people from all over the world who come and learn English at inlingua Malta.
The response was huge and we received loads of applications from so many great people that it was very difficult to choose but we finally managed to narrow it down to two applicants - Fausto and Kristina.
These fantastic young people both have loads of experience in this type of work. They are friendly and enthusiastic and will help you get the most out of your time here while making sure that you are well taken care of while you have fun!
They share multilingual skills and are fluent in Spanish, Russian, Italian and of course English and are on hand to help with any difficulties you might have.

They arrived at inlingua yesterday and have begun their training as part of the leisure team. We are looking forward to working with them this summer and they are looking forward to meeting you!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

crossing language barriers

Communication is the key to success for any aspect of life. A common language is the foundation of good communication and inlingua's international slogan, crossing language barriers, conveys perfectly what inlingua sets out to do. Our aim is to teach languages to the world so that we have a common language with which we can share our lives and our laughter with the citizens of the world.Crossing language barriers - bringing the world together

Friday, May 29, 2009

Get it right

Choose inlingua Malta for your language course and get it right first time. From your very first day you will communicate in English and immediately you will begin to improve and feel more confident with your skills.

In class, our trainers guide you to produce sentences that are correct both grammatically and thematically, and soon, speaking English will come to you naturally. As you gain experience you will make less mistakes and learn faster.

So choose inlingua for your language course and learn English our way. You'll get it right both times

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Moby in Malta

World-renowned DJ and songwriter Moby will be performing in Malta at a concert at the Gianpula fields on June 28th and the event promises to be a great success for all music lovers.
The American musician shot to fame with his classic Play album in 1999, and since then has sold over 20 million records worldwide, winning scores of awards in the process.
Moby has been making music since he was nine years old, playing classical guitar before releasing his first single Go in 1991. His music has been used in hundreds of different films, including Tomorrow Never Dies and The Beach.
He has also produced and remixed scores of other artists, including David Bowie, Metallica, and Public Enemy, among others.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wine tasting for inlingua students

Yesterday a group of our students went to one of the local wineries for some wine education and the opportunity to taste some local produce. The first part of the visit was an informative session where students learnt the history of Maltese wine and this was followed by a visit to the cool wine cellars below which offer a nice change of environment from the heat above.
Here students sampled different types of Maltese wine together with tradional food and snacks.

Monday, May 11, 2009

we make it simple

Sometimes, the thought of learning a new language can be a little bit intimidating. As a mature adult, it is natural to feel uncomfortable with the fact that we would have to start from scratch, like a child learning to speak for the first time, and these thoughts might perhaps prevent us from making that first step on the journey of language learning.

inlingua Malta has almost 30 years experience in teaching English as a foreign language and we understand the challenges that students face in the classroom.

All our teachers are fully certified with many years of experience and when you study English with us you will see that learning a new language can be fun and stimulating.

Our trainers will guide you through the whole process, helping you take on this new challenge and before you know it you will be speaking English easily and confidently because we really do make it that simple!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fireworks festival

The annual fireworks festival is going to be held this weekend in the Grand Harbour and our students will be watching the magnificent fireworks display from on board a sailing boat, right in the heart of the action!

The night cruise includes a full buffet dinner catered for by a reputable fusion restaurant. The night promises to be a magical affair with good food, great company and a night sky filled with light and colours!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

we do things differently

Yes, we really do! The inlingua method of teaching is inlingua's signature approach to successful language training. It has been developed over many years and 40 years on we are confident that our technique works. When you study English with us, you will experience first hand just how effective our method is.

The inlingua method works on 9 basic principles which focus on using the language rather than reading about it and this technique helps you improve your speaking, listening and comprehension skills much faster. As you become more confident with verbal language, your reading and writing skills will progress naturally. Learn more about the inlingua method of teaching here

Friday, April 24, 2009

goodbye and thanks from Bernie and the gang!

A heartfelt thank you from our Austrian friends - we hope to see them again soon!

Dear Galeann, dear Anna, dear Sharon, dear Marie Louise, dear neighbour, dear teachers, dear everybody in your great team !

Being back home safely with all our students, we want to express our sincere gratitude once more to all of you. We all enjoyed our stay in your school very much and we certainly are still overwhelmed about your great hospitality, helpfulness and friendships created. This morning, we are all back in our regular school, thinking back to our great experience on Malta.

THANK YOU sooo MUCH !!Hope to be seeing again in a not too distant future, Julia and I remain

with best regards to all of you !!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Karaoke night for inlingua students

Last night our students enjoyed a night of singing and dancing in a bar in Bugibba which was set up with karaoke equipment especially for them and these superstars in the making sang all their favourite songs into the early hours of the morning. The night was a great success and everyone enjoyed themself to the max!
We are looking forward to the next one!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

isle of MTV lineup announced

Black Eyed peas, Lady Gaga, Metro Station and Esmee Denters are the confirmed acts for the upcoming isle of MTV concert in July. This is the third year in a row that MTV have chosen Malta to host this event which has proved to be a great success over the past two years with over 50,000 people attending last year.
Thousands of people travel to Malta to enjoy Malta Music week - a week dedicated to music fans between the 3rd and 8th of July and beach parties and club nights ensure that everyone is geared up for the main event.

The isle of MTV Malta special is the biggest free live concert on the island and another great event for the summer calendar. Don't miss it! Learn more about the isle of MTV at www.isleofmtv.com

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Bernie!

Today one of the leaders who came to Malta with a group of teenagers from Austria celebrated his birthday so we surprised him with a cake and a very loud rendition of happy birthday!
Bernie and his group of students have spent a week learning English at inlingua Malta and they have quickly become a part of the inlingua family.

Monday, April 20, 2009

inlingua trainers attend Business English workshop

Here at inlingua, we know that the quality of our teaching is the foundation of our success.

The latest workshop organised for our trainers focused on how to teach Business English, with particular emphasis on three main areas: the nature of communicative competence within the context of international business communication, the setting of priorities in order to make training both effective and efficient, and the professional development of business English teachers.

The speaker for the session was Evan Frendo, a freelance trainer and teacher trainer based in Berlin who has been involved in Business English since 1993 and travels all over Europe and Asia to run teacher training courses.

The 3 hour session was highly focused on various topics relevant to the business world such as telephony, social English, meetings and discussions, e-mails, phone and video conferences, reports, presentations and negotiations.

inlingua business courses offer the student a holistic apporach to all aspects of business practice and aim to teach the student the intercultural, linguistic and discourse competence that are necessary to develop and maintain successful business relationships.
At the end of a business course our students have achieved greater confidence with these skills and their level of English is significantly improved.

Our commitment to quality is what continuously drives us to improve and invest in our trainers and teaching methods and our confidence and expertise in delivering effective Business English courses is made evident by the success of our programmes.

For more information about inlingua Business English courses please visit : http://inlinguamalta.com/inlingua/Overview.aspx?id=100335

Monday, April 13, 2009

Malta voted third best diving destination

A previous post spoke about Malta as being the jewel of the Mediterranean and highlighted several things that our tiny island has to offer. Now, Malta has been voted the third best diving destination in the world by some 35,000 readers of Diver Magazine, a North American publication, preceded only by Egypt and the Maldives.

The waters around Malta and Gozo are blessed with rocky reefs, caves, plentiful marine life and the wrecks of ships from Malta's rich maritime history.

When you book an English language course at inlingua Malta you can also book a PADI diving course which can be followed after your morning lessons. If you are interested in diving but not too sure about committing to a full course, we can arrange for you to have a test dive first to see how you feel.

So take the plunge and book and English and diving course with inlingua - there's a whole new world underwater just waiting to be explored...

Monday, April 6, 2009

online testing

inlingua is now offering you the opportunity to take your placement test online up to one month before you arrive in Malta for your English language course.

The test can be accessed at http://www.inlingua-mct.com/ and your entry will be sent directly to us. Our academic department will grade your work and send you the results with information about your level of English and where you will be placed when you arrive.

The 100 question test starts off with basic questions which get harder as they progress. You should stop answering questions once they get too difficult. The further you get into the test, the higher your level of English. This procedure ususally gives accurate readings about your level but if you find yourself in the wrong class when you arrive, we will change the level for you.

So take advantage of online testing and beat the Monday morning testing rush. All you have to do is show up at 9:00 am and find your allocated classroom.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Beautiful Malta!

For years Malta has been called the jewel of the Mediterranean and this comes as no surprise when you think that fantastic weather, friendly people, vibrant nightlife, rich culture, historic importance and neolithic temples are just a few of the many things that this tiny island has to offer.

Learning English at inlingua Malta is not just an educational experience, but the experience of a lifetime where you'll make memories that you'll treasure forever!

Malta has received 1 million EFL students!

If you are considering taking an English language course but still have not decided where to go, maybe this news will help you make a decision. Malta receives the largest percentage of student numbers annually in relation to its population - 1 student to just under 5 persons of the population (21.4 per cent).

The English Language tourism industry in Malta started in 1963 and since then has been growing rapidly. Every year thousands of students come to Malta, mostly in the summer months, on a language learning holiday to experience Malta's culture, climate and friendly English learning atmosphere.

One million people can't be wrong, so choose Malta for your English language course and come see for yourself!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A room with a view

Not many English language schools can boast about classrooms with fantastic sea views and lots of sunlight, but the executive floor at inlingua Malta has just that. The top floor of our building is reserved especially for our executive clients who come for a one week integrated learning programme of intensive one to one business English lessons. The classrooms, which are on the 7th floor, have direct lift access, private facilities and each is equipped with a flat screen, DVD player and audio equipment. The new lounge area, complete with espresso machine and complimentary snacks, was finished this week and here students can meet to chat inbetween lessons.

Plans for the roof garden terrace are underway and will be finalised shortly so watch this space! Learn more about our executive programme here: http://inlinguamalta.com/inlingua/content.aspx?id=105908 or contact us on info@inlinguamalta.com and come enjoy the view from the top!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

inlingua Malta making cyber waves

If you don't know by now that we have a new website, you really haven't been paying any attention! Our new web portal, designed by ICON has been LIVE for a few weeks now and is attracting a lot of attention from our students, partners and other inlingua schools. The design is fresh and bright and most of all it is packed full of useful information about our school, our English courses, Malta and our students. It is easy to navigate and you can join our groups on facebook and FLICKR by clicking on the links provided.

Click on the picture to read what is being said about us in the local press.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Here's an extra 10%

In an earlier post I wrote about the special offers that we have available until 31st March 2009. For those of you just joining us, inlingua is offering a week free tuition with every 3 or 4 week English course booked. This means if you book for 3 weeks you will only pay for 2 and if you book for 4 weeks you will only pay for 3.

The world is going through a tough time and we think that this is the perfect opportunity for you to invest in yourself and give yourself a competitive edge. Multilingual skills are a must in today's global environment so if you needed a little more incentive to improve those English skills look no further - we are giving you an extra 10% discount on all courses taken between 1st February and 31st March 2009.

Book now at http://inlinguamalta.com/inlingua/BookNow.aspx

What are you waiting for?

Friday, January 23, 2009

inlingua Malta in Language Travel Magazine

Language Travel Magazine is a monthly publication for the study and work abroad sector and has been established since 1991. It is at the forefront of knowledge and trends in language travel and is read by student recruiters in over 110 countries worldwide.
The February 2009 issue showcases the popularity of executive courses in Malta. inlingua's prominence in this article serves as a testament to our commitment in providing highly focused, goal oriented business programmes which consistently deliver positive results.
The article speaks about our investment in books and learning resources which cover a wide range of topics and professions. The top floor of our school is reserved for our executive clients and the classrooms are fitted with audio visual equipment which allow the lessons to be varied and dynamic.
Click on the image to read the full article.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

live like a local (2) - when the sun doesn't shine

So many people think Malta is just an island of sun, sea and fun with nothing much else going for it. This couldn't be any further from the truth. It is true that between May and October, Malta comes to life as an ideal summer destination with lots of sunshine, days on the beach and nights on the dancefloor. Due to the cooler temperatures, the winter months in Malta are a great time to explore the island. The crowds of tourists are absent and it is the perfect chance to experience Maltese life with the locals.

An attraction not be missed is Palazzo Falson where you can spend an afternoon in this beautifully restored palazzo in Mdina. Follow this by a coffee and a slice of cake at one of the many cafes in this charming city.

Valletta is full of hidden treasures and the Museum of Fine Arts is a great place to start, followed by some shopping along Republic Street. The capital city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the best way to see what this historical city has to offer is on foot. Get lost in the narrow streets and alleys and get a first hand look at the original architecture of this great city.

Evenings are a time for socialising and many Maltese people frequent restaurants and wine bars for a chat in good company. You can choose to watch a dance or theatre production, or go to the cinema to watch the latest blockbuster on the big screen.

At inlingua we organise a wide variety of tours and activities for our students. Find out more on www.inlinguamalta.com. But if you prefer to fly solo, a comprehensive list of things to do can be found at http://www.whatson.com.mt/

So if you are thinking about visiting our little island and are not sure when to do it I recommend you make use of the low season discounts and come see for yourself!

Friday, January 9, 2009

50+ programme

This year inlingua Malta launched a brand new 50+ programme. This package combines general English tuition with a full and varied activity programme that combines historical and cultural visits with social activities in the evening.

When you book this package you will be with other students your own age who share similar interests and enjoy the same pace of life. This atmosohere is ideal for you to learn English while enjoying a fun and relaxing holiday.

For more information about this programme go to www.inlinguamalta.com